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Pantelleria Charme mette a disposizione dei propri clienti un referente personale, disponibile a rispondere a qualsiasi esigenza che sorgerà prima, durante e dopo la vacanza. Non dovrete preoccuparvi di nulla, a fianco avrete una figura che metterà a disposizione la sua professionalità ed esperienza per guidarvi al meglio sull’isola e per accogliere qualsiasi richiesta. Your Personal Traveller preparerà al meglio la vostra vacanza prima dell’arrivo, vi accoglierà sull’isola e vi seguirà per tutta la durata della vostra permanenza per far in modo che sia tutto impeccabile!
Pantelleria Charme provides its customers with a personal contact, who is available to respond to any need that arises before, during and after the holiday. You won’t have to worry about anything, you will have a figure at your side who will provide his professionalism and experience to guide you to the best on the island and to accommodate any request. Your Personal Traveller will prepare your holiday in the best possible way before your arrival, will welcome you to the island and will follow you throughout your stay to ensure that everything is impeccable! YOUR INSURANCE Only by booking our packages will you be able to travel in complete safety without worrying about anything. Pantelleria Charme guarantees medical coverage and luggage insurance and also allows you to include insurance to cover expenses in the event that the trip is cancelled. We protect you and your belongings in case of unforeseen events or accidents. Discover the advantages and all the opportunities!